Tuesday, 25 September 2012

(Images via thedailygreen, seasweetie, wikipedia, uncommondescent, weird-funnythings)
The Kiwa is a blind, furry crab that resides 5,000 feet below the surface of the ocean. As unusual as it appears, for sheer terror it’s better to take a look at the Japanese Spider Crab, which can grow as long as 12 feet from leg tip to leg tip. Thankfully these critters roam the ocean floor and don’t get out on the beach much. This blind lobster is a great example of creatures that look similar to those we’re familiar with, but have creepy adaptations to help them survive in the dark depths. The giant isopod pictured above looks like it could have stepped straight out of a time warp from millions of years ago, yet it is an abundant species on the ocean floor.

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